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Licence Master Qualité en Santé

Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et a distance pour le management strategique de la qualite et la gestion des risques en sante en Russie, au Kazakhstan et en Azerbaidjan

The LMQS project allows for the creation of undergraduate and graduate professionalization in strategic management and health risk management through open and distance learning in three partner countries: Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Our project is associated with the priority of public health and is aimed at creating new / updating university courses. Healthcare is a national and regional thematic priority for Azerbaijan, a thematic priority at the regional level for Russia and a thematic priority at the regional and national levels for Kazakhstan. These national priorities are being met very precisely. The project is in line with the ministries' priorities for updating curricula in line with the Bologna process. It is also part of the priorities of partner universities looking to make their courses more professional to meet the new needs of healthcare organizations. Programs and policy strategies stimulate the development of the medical sector in these three countries, taking into account health security and quality of care.

The project is based on a strong inter-agency partnership: the consortium members are academic and government institutions, as well as enterprises specializing in management and health care, with the experience and knowledge necessary to achieve the objectives of the project.

Universities in 3 countries will improve their skills and abilities through the development of new innovative educational programs. The project will implement the policy of the Ministry of Health by training students and specialists capable of ensuring the quality of medical services. The goal of the project is to promote the development of health security and quality management of health care services, as well as the implementation of policies and strategic principles in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan by mobilizing personnel and training them in the practical application of necessary actions by offering higher education programs (academic programs) and professional training programs capable of transferring the skills required by medical structures / companies.

Erasmus + Project N. 618860-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects only the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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