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Licence Master Qualité en Santé


Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et a distance pour le management strategique de la qualite et la gestion des risques en sante en Russie, au Kazakhstan et en Azerbaidjan

Project information

Reference number


Application title

Licence, Master professionnels en formation ouverte et a distance pour le management strategique de la qualite et la gestion des risques en sante en Russie, au Kazakhstan et en Azerbaidjan

Application acronym


Action code


Project start date


Project end date


Duration (month)


Grant requested


EUD consultation


Project characteristics, aims and objectives 

Project type

Multi-country project

Specific activity

Curriculum development

Subject/Thematic area


CBHE actions

Improve the level of competences and skills in HEIs by developing new and innovative education programmes

Improve the quality of higher education and enhance its relevance for the labor market and society

CBHE aims and object

Contribute to the cooperation between the EU and the eligible Partner

Countries (and amongst the eligible Partner Countries)

Support the modernization, accessibility and internalization of the higher education field in the eligible Partner Countries

Project summary

Health security and the organization and management of the quality of health-care system concern all countries. To cope with this, well-trained specialists in specific and adapted methodologies are needed. The participating partner countries suffer from a lack of qualified graduates (managers, doctors, or any other profession involved in the health-care quality system and services).
The need for university training for specialists in this field is therefore very strong. Staff capable of developing and delivering continuing professional education is also necessary for professionals to adapt to the latest developments in this constantly evolving field. The project meets these needs with the development of study programs in the targeted areas.
Contribute to the development of health security and the organization and management of the quality of health-care by mobilizing training engineering to operationalize the necessary actions, by offering academic and professional training programs capable of transmitting the skills required by medical structures / companies.
The new programs created will be entirely or partially delivered remotely. The programs developed will meet the needs of companies / medical structures in need of specialists capable of improving health security and managing the quality of health care. The implementation of the project must / will be based on a broad interinstitutional partnership to guarantee the sustainability of the results.
The ministries of education and health will support the project in partner countries. They will guarantee compliance with standards for the sustainability of the new training offer.
Professional organizations and medical structures will be the guarantors of professional outlets for training courses for graduates.

Erasmus + Project N. 618860-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects only the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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